Thursday, November 29, 2012


This week I’m going to tackle a hot and controversial subject right now – Healthcare. I know that are vastly different views on this subject and I respect that, so if there is disagreement let’s keep it civil and understanding.

Healthcare is a controversial issue in our society today. There are 2 very different views on healthcare and its importance. While healthcare is not a given right, according to the UDHR, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but the UDHR does guarantee us the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. This seems to state that since our government agreed to the UDHR, that each person in the United States shall have the opportunity to attain reasonable healthcare in order to achieve a proper standard of living. If you have never read the UDHR, which I assume most have not, it will serve to open your eyes to the conflict in our society about things that our government agreed that should be provided to the citizens of the Unites States. I urge you read this document which I will link to Wikipedia for you, UDHR.

After reading this document, you may question why there is an upheaval in our society regarding healthcare and social security. It is interesting that while many believe that these services are vital to our nation surviving, many are so short sighted that they care for no one other than themselves. While these things are laid out in a document signed by our leaders we refuse to see the need to help those less fortunate than one self, unless the media urges you to help a struggling society, such as Haiti after the earthquake. It baffles me that we spent so much time and energy on Haiti and Chile had devastating earthquakes soon after and they seemed to be an afterthought. While I believe that humanitarian aid is needed, it should be applied equally across the board, such is the case with healthcare. Wealth should not play a factor in whether or not some receives the care and service they need to survive an emergency or to live a life of less pain.

Why should there be a difference in the care that neighbors and friends receive? I do not believe that there should be any difference. Why should a doctor look at the patient and treat them on the basis of what they can afford? We should all be guaranteed to receive the best care when needed.  No matter the ability to pay, everything possible should be done to make sure the person in need of care gets the best care possible.

I understand that costs are prohibitive and that no one wants to pay more taxes or cut other programs to fund subsidized healthcare to those who cannot afford it. On one hand, why should we sacrifice some for others? On the other, why should we not give up some failed or worthless programs to fund this venture? Government run healthcare may not be the best option but what are the other options.  Should we just allow insurance companies to raise premiums, deny coverage, or drop subscribers at their own will? I find it deplorable that any person thinks that dropping someone because they contract a disease that cost more to treat than most, or if that person has a pre-existing condition that they have no way of getting rid of.
Not all people can afford to pay exorbitant premiums for subpar insurance. Just look at the person checking you out at your favorite retailer to the person handing you your food at the drive-thru window. The companies they work offer insurance to those who qualify but the insurance premiums would be a large part of the salary of those workers. What about parents who work jobs where they depend on that week to week pay to keep the family afloat, they cannot afford to go and buy private insurance for 2 adults and 2 children. These are the people who need the help most and many of those that have insurance are not willing to help even though the help would change nothing about your own insurance. Think about the possibility of being able to treat the sick so that they become strong and can contribute to society again? It would life changing for the recipient and also society changing as some positive contribution to society could again be achieved. This is a huge positive.

I, myself, was without insurance for the better part of my life. Never to worry, I was not sickly. I have been lucky to be pretty healthy. There comes a time when everyone will need it and they should never have to worry about receiving the need treatment. How awful that is when someone gets cancer, insurance drops them because their treatment is so expensive. Or when someone becomes so sick she can no longer work, she cannot get disability because no can prove what exactly is wrong. I know people who faced these situations and I know they deserve better. All Americans deserve better. I do not believe that the new healthcare legislation is the solution, but it is step in a needed direction. If Americans can see a doctor all their lives, think about healthy we could be and how we could get a jump on illness that strike later in life. Every person deserves the best care available and our government needs to provide it and it is my hope that after the monumental legislation just passed, our lawmakers quit sitting on their hands and start providing our country with something to be proud, a national healthcare initiative for everyone, not just those that can afford to pay steep premiums.

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