Sunday, November 25, 2012

Haiti Earthquake and Reaction

Welcome to my mind. The thoughts you read here are a reflection of my beliefs along with the things I have learned about the subjects I discuss. I do not wish to push my beliefs on anyone but rather create an environment where we can freely discuss the differences or agreements in belief. With this out of my way I will tackle my first entry, Haiti, while it is fresh on everyone’s mind.

While I find that the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti deplorable, it brings back light the way in which we respond to desperate situations elsewhere, but overlook them at home. Life throws many things at you and the people of Haiti did not ask for the destruction of the earthquakes. They are not who I am writing about, instead I focus on our response and the response of the people that we look to the most for influence, celebrities. 

While I applaud all of those who have donated for their help, I wonder where that help is for families struggling through the economic crisis here in the United States. Luckily, my wife and I have jobs and a home to enjoy, even though times have not been easy for us either. There are so many here in the United States that have lost nearly everything they had in life. Where are the overflowing donations for those people? They are left to collect paltry unemployment, if they qualify, or accept salaries far below what it takes to keep there families afloat. This land is supposed to be great for everyone, not just those that can afford it. What happened to our sense of wanting to help our neighbors? Have we become so selfish and materialistic that helping our neighbors, with whom we may have shared many moments in life become second to making a donation to help elsewhere around the world?

I’m not saying that we should not be concerned with the events in Haiti or in Darfur, but my desire is that those who are willing to give to these causes also look to help at home. We are quick to send a text to donate 10 dollars to the Haitian relief efforts but are we so quick to drop a 10 dollar check in the mail to the Nashville Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, or the Salvation Army. Most are not. I would have been one of those before but having seen the problems we are facing at home, it moves me to want to help here as well as abroad. So, from here on out, I challenge each of you to contribute the same amount you are contributing to Darfur or Haiti to local relief efforts, so that we can help our neighbors get back on their feet.

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